BrainStorm recognized as Overall SaaS Award Winner in the HR & Learning Category for the 2024 APPEALIE SaaS + Software Awards. 

Silicon Slopes, Utah, June 4, 2024 – 

BrainStorm is honored to be recognized as the Overall SaaS Award winner in the HR & Learning Category - Enterprise at the 2024 APPEALIE SaaS + Software Awards. At BrainStorm, we are committed to innovating the way learning teams engage, onboard, and educate both employees and customers. Our focus is on driving effective behavior change through our education platform, and this APPEALIE award serves as a milestone in our journey towards redefining the model of enterprise learning.  

HR & Learning teams are facing new challenges in the “do more with less” work era. BrainStorm is proactively helping Learning & HR teams rise to the challenge with innovative solutions that meet modern learners needs. 

Empowering Teams with Personalized Learning Experiences 

Customers, employees, and end users love learning with BrainStorm.  

With adaptive courses built for each user, you can deliver a personalized learning approach at scale. Most enterprise LMS solutions are built with a linear, one-size-fits-all course library that relies on the end user to find the right content for them.  

BrainStorm is built to intentionally engage active and dark users with content that is geared towards what they need to know next. Our content is delivered in modes that users learn best in, and our communications are customizable to your needs.  

Set up time with our team.

About BrainStorm

When organizations are looking to drive digital adoption, they turn to BrainStorm to help make it happen. For over 25 years, BrainStorm has been obsessed with helping teams and organizations communicate and collaborate better. Rather than focusing on application-based training, the BrainStorm platform helps users understand how their technologies work together for maximum impact and unparalleled productivity.


The APPEALIE SaaS Awards are the most selective in software. Winning SaaS apps are selected on the basis of customer feedback and data, including Net Promoter Scores™. APPEALIE also conducts further due diligence beyond entrant applications to ensure each winner meets its standards of excellence. Pronounced “appeal-eee,” our name APPEALIE originates from our mission to recognize the most appealing apps in SaaS.