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The #1 LMS for
End-User Training & Customer Education

The only learning management system purpose-built for end-user training and adoption and the Corporate Learning Network's
2024 Most Innovative Solution Provider of the Year.
BSI Platform Preview
Trusted by Solution Providers
and Software Customers

Built for ease and impact

  • Train your customers
  • Train your end users
  • Train your employees
  • Train your partners

Train your customers

Give every client a white glove experience without adding headcount. Use BrainStorm to accelerate client onboarding, reduce the amount of time CSMs spend playing support, and extend the reach of Customer Education. Plus, you can even give each customer admin their own turnkey end-user adoption campaigns.


Train your end users

BrainStorm is built to manage the people side of change for IT teams. Use Brainstorm's adaptive training workflows to onboard new users, transition existing users to new applications, and optimize the use of existing software.


Train your employees

When employees master their software, they're more connected, engaged and productive. Support tickets go down, and output goes up. That's good for business. Don't let the employee technology experience get lost in between IT and HR. Use BrainStorm's adaptive training flows to get employees up to speed with their tech stack lickety-split.


Train your partners

Ensure your partners understand your product and are always up to date on new features. Plus, streamline how you launch updates to your partner programs and incentives. Then, enable partners with exactly what they need to help their clients adopt your product.

The difference

You need more than an LMS

In today’s world, business results - like employee engagement and customer retention - are a direct result of how well users are adopting their software. BrainStorm is purpose-built to enable IT teams, HR teams, and Solution Providers to drive end-user adoption.


  • Adaptive
  • Courses tailored to each user
  • Engages and activates dark users
  • Behavior-based reporting


  • Linear 
  • One-size-fits-all course library
  • Teaches already-engaged learners
  • Completion-based reporting

Recent Awards & Recognitions

Training that moves the needle on adoption

Accelerate user onboarding, activate dark users, and drive adoption of new features - all with the only LMS built for the digital workplace.

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