
Are you ready for Microsoft Viva?

Original broadcast date: August 2021

You’ve heard about Microsoft Viva, but what is it really? And how can it help your organization?  

The Microsoft Viva platform is made of 4 modules that integrate with Microsoft Teams for a streamlined work experience. In addition to simplifying work, the Viva suite serves up real-time information and actionable insights in one accessible format. 

What you'll learn

  • What’s included in each Viva module—Viva Connections, Viva Topics, Viva Insights, and Viva Learning—plus logistics around deployment
  • Why these modules simplify and improve the work process
  • How to prepare for the module(s) that will best help your organization
  • How BrainStorm will integrate with Viva Learning

This on-demand webinar will be available for a limited time—so watch it today.