Panasonic Avionic upgrades their software—and their adoption process.
Changing the way employees work across an enterprise can be a challenge. Adding multiple digital transformation initiatives to a global workforce in 40-plus countries can be downright daunting.
But by working with BrainStorm to drive adoption of Microsoft 365, Panasonic Avionics showed it's users the ‘why’ as well as the ‘how’ around their new technology.
Change is hard on everyone—whether it’s users who are unmotivated by new technology, or a support team that wants to reduce help-desk calls during a major software rollout.
As Panasonic Avionics rolled out Microsoft 365 to its global environment, leaders introduced dozens of new applications—including Teams, OneDrive, Yammer, PowerBI, and other key tools. By leveraging BrainStorm, leaders at Panasonic Avionics hoped to ensure that the new Microsoft technology was well received and adopted.
“For us at Panasonic Avionics, QuickHelp was a much-needed tool to help drive adoption of our implementation of Microsoft 365.”
BrainStorm is a software adoption platform that gives IT an automated and easy way to onboard, transition, remediate, and optimize end-user software adoption.
Learn more about BrainStormMPanasonic Avionics uses BrainStorm's communication templates and skill-building content to empower meaningful change around the Microsoft stack.
The purpose-driven templates in BrainStorm really helped introduce new applications and craft reasons for the change. These communication campaigns also helped answer the “why” behind the new technology and introduced BrainStorm as a go-to resource to help answer users’ questions.
At most organizations, it’s tough to carve out time for training. By building targeted, short learning flows for employees, company leadership could introduce them to how-to videos that really made the transition to Office 365 less intimidating. And those who wanted online in-person training could take advantage of BrainStorm's vast training schedule.
It’s no surprise that introducing new applications to a workforce also adds to a technical support team’s workload. Luckily, BrainStorm's vast knowledge base empowered Panasonic Avionics’ technical teams with the answers they needed.
The company also leveraged BrainStorm's API to Integrate with ServiceNow, the IT team’s service management platform. This integration with ServiceNow populates BrainStorm content directly to employees when they need it.
Since Microsoft tools are constantly changing and evolving, keeping KB articles up to date can be resource-intensive. But with its continually updated content, BrainStorm does the heavy lifting, allowing technical support teams to focus on more critical tasks.
“BrainStorm's updated and relevant content has certainly taken this burden off our technical support teams. I was surprised by how intuitive this integration was in delivering the right support content via our Service portal or Virtual Agent.”
As Panasonic Avionics’ leading project manager likes to say, “What gets measured gets managed; what gets focused on gets fixed.”
Valuable reporting in BrainStorm gives visibility into how Microsoft applications are being used and any areas where employees might need some more support. This visibility provides an objective measurement of ongoing adoption efforts and targets areas for improvement.
BrainStorm reporting also helps quantify adoption, usability, identification of redundant tools, and helps make sure the company is seeing an ROI from its Microsoft spend.
Leaders at Panasonic Avionics gave their employees more than just new Microsoft tools. They gave them a rich user experience with a little help from BrainStorm. The result? Greater engagement, improved efficiency—and a more visible ROI across the organization.
“With a team that specializes in digital adoption and can share what has been successful with other companies like ours—that gave us a depth of information and ideas. BrainStorm’s experience and guidance have helped make the most of our Office 365 investment."
In less than a year*, employees at Panasonic Avionics tripled their OneDrive usage (from 1,073 to 3,491 users) and doubled their Teams usage (from 1,680 to 3,764 users). *4/19 - 6/20
BrainStorm activates change and drives software adoption by using technology to empower people and transform organizations. By partnering with BrainStorm, organizations can more confidently map their Microsoft 365, adoption strategies to key business objectives, track user engagement and innovation, and decrease costs. BrainStorm’s unique, people-focused approach to digital transformation has set it apart as an industry leader and premier Microsoft partner.
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