Everyone wants to increase Teams adoption, but how do you do it? Getting your users to adopt Teams can be such an uphill battle. Don’t worry, we’re here to help.

Start in the right place. Microsoft Teams can change the way your business works. Start in the right place by understanding how Teams connects to your organization’s goals. Ask yourself, “How can Teams help me accomplish a larger business objective?”

What are your business objectives?

Finding your “Why” behind Teams adoption is crucial. Below are some common 

business objectives we’ve seen:

  • Eliminate duplicate applications
  • Limit support costs
  • Increase productivity
  • Decrease security risk
  • Maximize Microsoft investment
  • Reduce travel costs

Remember to set specific goals – don’t just throw out a business objective. Set a time frame and a specific metric you’d like to hit.

For example, “I want to increase productivity by 12% by the end of 2020.” Define the metrics you’ll use to measure success. What does an increase in productivity look like in the data?


Now that you’ve got a unifying reason for change, it’s time to make it happen.
Start with the Data
Start with the Data

You can’t measure success without anything to measure. Look at your Teams usage via your O365 Admin Portal, or via your QuickHelp dashboard. Focus especially on metrics that correlate to your business goal.

Focus on Communication
Focus on Communication

It’s important for you to know why you’re adopting Teams. It’s important for your users to understand as well. Form a culture of unified action by communicating the larger business objective. Encourage users by explaining the personal benefits they’ll receive through Teams adoption.

Listen to Your Users
Listen to Your Users

Don’t limit yourself to quantitative data. User experiences are also important to track success. Poll your users to understand their friction points. Ask for examples of meaningful improvement. Success stories from inside your own organization are invaluable for future adoption efforts.


Rinse and Repeat

Evaluate your progress. Look at what the usage data is showing and listen to what your users are saying. Then apply what you’ve learned to your next initiative. Teams adoption isn’t a one-and-done task. Teams gives your organization the opportunity to continue improving. The “why” is the limit!

More than Microsoft Teams Adoption

By connecting your Teams adoption to a larger initiative, you’ll make a meaningful impact on your organization. It’s more than just implementing a new software. It’s changing the way your organization works. 

A 400% increase in Teams usage isn’t theoretical: it really is possible. To learn more, schedule a demo.